vrijdag 25 april 2008

Beer ads, wich one do you think is the best? Don't forget to comment!!!

BUD LIGHT, Apology bot 3000!
BUD LIGHT, The swear jar!
CARLTON DRAUGHT, Made from beer(the big beer ad)

maandag 21 april 2008

MOOSELIGHT, Enjoy your nature!

vrijdag 11 april 2008

This is why you need good tires!?

This is why you need good tires!? BRIDGESTONE, designed to save lives!

IKEA knows best!

PEOPLE, clean up your place! See what happens when you don't...

My mommy said I could!

This is what you get when you say "yes" to everything your kid asks you!

Tell me what you think!

I want candy!!!

The message in this commercial is simple: "If you don't want this, use condoms!"
The kid's rage, and the expression on the dad's face... PRICELESS!!!

Tell me what you think or know about this commercial...
